One of our favorite DIY Projects has been our fabric map of the United States and our Utah State Map! With all the places we travel it means even more as we see the collage of colorful fabrics come together. We live in a great place, the entire country is filled with beauty and our little state of Utah celebrates its beginnings tomorrow. Here in Utah we often say BEA-Utahful to describe out state so I am re-posting this project as a free download for anyone who wants a quick and fun project to celebrate where we live.
Materials to Gather
Wood Board Cut to Desired Size
Matte Finish Modge Podge (Lots of it)
Foam Brushes
Background Fabric to Cover the Board
Lots of Fabric Scraps for the different States
The first thing I did was Modge Podge some old burlap onto the front of the wood and I let that sit for 24 hours. It hardens up the fabric and dried clear.
(To print the map template right click on the image
and save to take to your local copy store.)
Next I took the map of the USA to my copy store and had them blow it up to the size I needed to fit my board. It was pretty cheap. I recommend getting two copies. One to cut the states out of and one to reference during the project. It's especially helpful when you get the the itty bitty states. I had them print one on card stock so it would be easy to cut apart and trace around.
Next I took my a sharpie marker (light colored) and traced the outline of the US map onto the burlap covered board to make sure I had the outer states in just the right place.
Once my outer line was traced, I started cutting out the states. I did them one at a time starting with Texas. I traced the individual states onto scarps of fabric using the Frixon pen from Pilot. I LOVE this pen for anything on fabric because it disappears with heat and gives you a great fine line.
When you cut out the states, it is helpful to cut 1/8 inch larger than the state template. This allows for a little overlap and play just in case your lines don't perfectly line up.
Once your state is cut out, dab a generous amount of Modge Podge on the background fabric where the state will go and lay your state on top. Smooth it out with your fingers or the brush and then gently brush over the fabric state with more Modge Podge. This will glue the state to the background and seal it too.
When you are finished with all your states...seal it off with one final coat of Modge Podge and it is ready to hang!
For those of us that live in Utah, I put together a pattern to celebrate our state...especially since this week is our state holiday! Just print out the template...use the same techniques to adhere the fabrics to the backing of a 8" x 10" frame insert and have a state map too. It took me about 30 minutes to finish this it's totally possible to finish before the celebrating begins!
(To print the map template right click on the image
and save to take to your local copy store.)
These projects were super fun to do with my family and I hope you have been inspired to raid your fabric stash too and have a little summer fun with your kiddos too. Happy 24th BeaUtahful!!!! We love you xoxo
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