If you have ever wanted to attend one of our in-person How to Paint a Barn Quilt Classes but live too far away, you will be so happy to know that we are offering our first live Zoom How to Paint a Barn Quilt Class on July 9th!
This class will be online on Zoom and added to our growing YouTube Channel. In the class as will be teaching all of our best techniques for painting a barn quilt that has the perfectly vintage look that sets us apart from other barn quilt painters. We will cover everything form A to Z with time for Q&A's too.
The cost of your registrations includes a kit to paint the Farmer's Daughter Barn Quilt shown in this post with a finished size of 22". The kit contains our gorgeous Prairie Paints and will love getting to try our unique gel-chalk paints.
Welcome to Tweetle Dee, where we believe in celebrating and dreaming every day, while using creativity to find joy in life's moments together. Join us for an inspiring journey!
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